Navigation Help
There is basically a PRIMARY MENU and a SECONDARY MENU.
What is the Difference?
The PRIMARY MENU is the the main site, it is the where you can access everything on our website. The SECONDARY MENU is more of a stripped down menu and has certain limitations. If you are confused where you are, you can always click the DIVA LOGO and it will take you back to the PRIMARY MENU. If you are seeing “LeagueApps” in the address bar, you are in the SECONDARY menu.
Menu Breakdown
- Board
- Board Structure
- Bylaws
- Dues and Fees
- Rules
- Miss DIVA
- Rauhman Browning Award
- Sponsors
- Locations
- Contact Us
- Navigation Help
- The Volley
- Events
- News
(Secondary Menu Displays “Volleyball Indoor”)- Recreational Division
- Recreational Subs
- Intermediate Division
- Intermediate Subs
- Competitive Division
- Competitive Subs
- Competitive Waitlist
- Skilled Division
- Skilled Subs
- Advanced Division
- Advanced Subs
- Power Division
- Power Subs
- Elite Division
- Elite Subs
- Recreational Division
- Login
- Game Protest
- Certifications
- Sub History
- Benevolence Fund
- Contact Us
- Document Library
- SMS Text Msgs
- Donate
- Crazy Clover
- Bumpkin Pumpkin
- Austin SummerFest
- Dallas Fall Classic
- How To Join
- New Member Interest
- New Member FAQ
- Sub Fees
- Recreational Practice
- Intermediate Practice
- Competitive Practice
- Skilled Practice
- Advanced Practice
- Power Practice
- Elite Practice
- Season Practice Fee
If you experience any issues with our site, please send an email to [email protected].