Coronavirus Update

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Update – 3.13.20
As you are all aware, the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak is a quickly evolving situation. Both the Dallas County Judge and Mayor of Dallas have issued states of emergency banning gatherings of more than 500 people and discouraging gatherings of 250 or more. With an abundance of caution and our players’ safety in mind, the DIVA Board of Directors has discussed the situation and made the following decisions regarding practice and play:
- League play is cancelled tonight, Friday, March 13
- Division practices will not take place next week: March 16-19
- Crazy Clover tournament has been cancelled next Friday: March 20. Everyone who signed up for the tournament will be refunded their registration fee.
A decision regarding practice and play the week of March 23 will be made next week and we will email / post on the website and Facebook accordingly.
As a reminder, if you have any flu-like symptoms or other ailments, please stay home and follow CDC guidelines. If you are easily susceptible to illness, or are more vulnerable to infections and have weakened lungs, please stay home and definitely take care of yourself.
Please direct any questions to DIVA President, Brian Borski ([email protected]).
We look forward to seeing you all back on the court, hopefully, in a few weeks. Please remember to wash your hands regularly, cough into your elbow, and keep your hands away from your mouth.
Stay safe and stay well.